Latest Weekly Briefing


Telefónicawatch Weekly: Spain continues stakebuilding; Group gets bogged down with brand legals

Spanish government brings itself level with CriteriaCaixa as Telefónica’s largest shareholder, increasing stake (through SEPI) to 5%. Elsewhere, Group gets to working through ‘huge’ DT brand dispute file dump; Virgin Media O2 taps Starlink for rural connectivity boost; Group seeks to keep closer watch on AI impact…

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Latest Telefónicawatch Reports

  • TFw#180 Cover

    Telefónicawatch Report #180 - February 2024


    Key stories include: Álvarez-Pallete takes the stage in Davos | Liberty eyes NetCo-ServeCo split again | Vivo and Winity walk away from network-share deal | Spanish copper lines to remain in action until 2026 | Movistar calls for pause to Chile’s 5G auction